Professional Development

for English Teachers

The 30th P.A.R.K. Conference

Skills building for communication.


Claudia Molnár

KEY WORDScommunication, skills, confidence

AGE GROUPSteens, young adults, adults



We often talk about skills, and we always talk about communicative competences yet, somehow, we don’t always put them together. More often than not, the focus is on comprehension tasks for assessing receptive skills and these then form the basis for developing language production.
During this workshop we shall discover how we can place a more communicative focus on our skills building activities to develop more confidence in our learners’ communication.

Claudia has been in ELT for over 26 years, holds a Ph.D in Applied Linguistics, an MEd. (TESOL), CELTA, DELTA and PGCE. She is Director of Education for MMPublications Central Europe and a teacher trainer, author and materials writer. Claudia often presents at international ELT conferences and is also involved with examining and assessment training. Claudia often says: “The more I work with teachers, the more I realise the diverse challenges teachers and learners face. Helping them overcome these gets me out of bed in the morning”.